Where I've Been and What I'm Planning

Hey loves, I know I've kind of fell off the face of the Earth a bit and wanted to explain what's going on with myself.

First off, there is no caption with this post. Normally, I hate the idea of posting without some kind of content that people come here for but I don't have anything made up since my last post but I still want everyone to know I'm around.

If you don't remember, my wife and I welcomed our first child to the world back in Nov and things were going great until about a month ago. My wife developed postpartum depression and had to be leave work due to how severe it was. To add the problem, her doctor had given her a highly addictive medicine and she has become dependent on it or else she'll have panic attacks and even seizures. Now, she's taking therapy and working on losing the dependency now that we have changed doctors. Because of all of this, I had to take a second job to make ends meet and rarely have had any free time to work on captions.

I still have a huge interest in making captions and still write down new ideas constantly. I have made attempts to make new content but it's been write maybe a paragraph then go to sleep. The results haven't felt like a single caption and more like I'm piecing things together. They just don't live up to my standards and I refuse to post things I don't feel are good enough.

In the end, I'm still going to make captions but right now I just don't have the time. I have no clue when I'll be back but I will be some day.

With love,



  1. congrats your old friend Brandon aka Brittany as u made me maybe u can do something with me again like u said remember huge tits lol congrats again

  2. Hey, don't worry about it for a second Ophelia! Do what you need to do to take care of you and your family. Best wishes to you!


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